Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My rain bike...

Okay, I just have to address this:

I'm sure that this is common in other wet locations like Seattle

Cyclists that have a "rain bike".

What the hell is a "rain bike"? I have a modest selection of bikes spanning a wide time-line. Not one of them is a "rain bike". They have all been in the rain. They have all been raced. They have all been muddied (a couple more than others). They have all been commuters and errand-bikes.

A rain bike? Unfortunately there is not a "scorn" style-button in Blogger otherwise I'd be combining it with bold and italic. What, does a rain bike shed rain? Is it water-proof somehow?


Maybe I'm missing something and just being an annoying, reactionary, no-good dumbo nothing jerk.

Sorry rain-bike folks-- I have bikes.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

okay, so no rain-bike for me either but i do have a dedicated commuter bike, that count?

it's hideous and i've taken ridiculous measures to keep it or it's parts from getting stolen

would i ever leave it out in the rain...hell i guess i've got a commuter...but sadly no rain-bike either :(